If you’re working on building credit, the Citi Secured Mastercard might help you achieve your targets. There’s no annual fee or month-to-month upkeep charge, helpful in maintaining your cost of owning the card low. The 2X factors at supermarkets and gas stations is capped to $6,000 in purchases yearly . Depending on your spending habits, you would earn extra rewards with a bonus class cash back card. There’s a lengthy 18-month introductory zero p.c APR on balance transfers (then 14.24 p.c to 24.24 percent variable APR).
Foreign Transaction Fee
In February 2016, the company was topic to a lawsuit as a result of the bankruptcy of a Mexican oil companies agency. In 2011, Citi was the primary financial institution to introduce digitized Smart Banking branches in Washington, D.C., New York, Tokyo and Busan while it continued renovating its entire department network. New gross sales and repair centers were additionally opened in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Citi Express modules, 24-hour service items, have been launched in Colombia. Citi opened extra branches in China, increasing its branch presence to 13 cities in China. The firm spun off its Travelers Property and Casualty insurance underwriting enterprise in 2002.