If you’re making an attempt to pay off credit card debt, then this card is the most effective card for you. Not only is the intro balance switch provide for 21 months, every month, you get another 0% steadiness transfer provide for 10 months on any out there balance you’ve. I have 4 playing cards with balances, and I even have been able to slice the balances in half just by transferring precisely what I can repay comfortably in 10 months each time. There are completely no other benefits exterior of the steadiness switch presents. Citi, one of many nation’s largest and longest-established banks, offers loads of alternative on the planet of bank cards.
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If you’re making an attempt to pay off credit card debt, then this card is the most effective card for you. Not only is the intro balance switch provide for 21 months, every month, you get another 0% steadiness transfer provide for 10 months on any out